Research in Integrated STEM Education (RISTEME) is an independent journal managed by a team of international academics in STEM education research that aims to
Concretise ideas about STEM integration
Catalyse new ways of conceptualising and enacting STEM integration
We invite you to submit your manuscript for topics related to STEM:
education polices / teaching / learning / curriculum / assessment / teacher education
Scholarly and practitioner-based manuscripts include, but are not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, evaluative, reviews, position papers, policy perspectives, comments, and criticisms.
(6,000 — 8,000 words)
What does an integrated STEM education curriculum look like in implementation, assessment, and evaluation? The Research in Integrated STEM Education Editors believe that this anchoring idea can contribute to education and research innovations as policy makers and educationist rethink and invent new approaches in education and research to address the broader goal of 21st century education.
The true spirit of STEM education is reflected in the editorial board’s purposeful intent to be inclusive and authentic. This journal aims to offer a professional platform for sharing policy-based, research-based, and practitioner-based insights drawn from the work of diverse STEM stakeholders from pre K-16 levels worldwide so as to concretise ideas about STEM integration and catalyse new ways of conceptualising and enacting STEM integrations.
This journal emphasizes the integration of STEM and aims to preserve the original intent of STEM education by underscoring the integration of at least two (if not all) of the STEM disciplines. Therefore, manuscripts must address STEM as an integration of two of more disciplines with education. The integration of the four STEM disciplines can take various forms and format such as multi-, inter- or trans-disciplinary integration. These can be differentiated in terms of the degree of integration that preserves the unique identity of each discipline (i.e., multi-disciplinary) or merged flexibly to solve a problem using STEM knowledge without clear distinction on which STEM disciplines are being engaged (i.e., trans-disciplinary). The topic of the manuscript must be related to STEM education. Manuscripts that discuss STEM content without discussion on the applications and implications to STEM policy, teaching, learning, or assessment will not be accepted.
Co Editors-in-Chief
Tang Wee Teo, National Institute of Education (NIE)
Merrilyn Goos, University of the Sunshine CoastAdvisory Board Members
Joe Krajcik, Michigan State University
Lyn English, Queensland University of TechnologyEditorial Board Members
Aik-Ling Tan, Nanyang Technological University
Chun-Yen Chang, National Normal Taiwan University
Erin Peters-Burton, George Mason University
Lilia Halim, National University of Malaysia
Lynn Bryan, Purdue University
Yoshisuke Kumano, Shizuoka University
Sibel Erduran, University of Oxford
Gillian Roehrig, University of Minnesota
Irina Lyublinskaya, Columbia University
Zsolt Lavicza, Johannes Kepler University
Winnie Soo Wing Mui, The Education University of Hong KongAssociate Editors
Ban Heng Choy, Nanyang Technological University
Gillian Kidman, Monash University
Judy Anderson, University of Sydney
Chatree Faikhamta, Kasesart University -
Tang Wee Teo, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the Natural Sciences and Science Education (Academic Group), National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She is also the Co-Head of the Multi-centric Education, Research and Industry STEM Centre at NIE (meriSTEM@NIE). In 2007, she received the Overseas Graduate Scholarship from NIE to pursue her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA. Prior to her doctoral studies, she was a chemistry teacher in a high school and a specialised STEM school for gifted mathematics and science students. An equity scholar in STEM education, her research focuses on issues of inclusivity in classrooms with under achievers and students with special education needs. In 2021, she received the Asia-Pacific Science Education (Brill) Best Paper Award for her paper about special needs science education. She also studies gender issues in STEM education and published a chapter on an evaluation study of a STEM programme for girls in a UNESCO report in 2020. Dr Teo serves an editorial board member of Asian Women and Cultural Studies of Science Education. She is also an Associate Editor of Asia-Pacific Science Education and Pedagogies: An International Journal. In 2018, she was the recipient of the NIE Research Excellence Award and the Xilong Scientific - Singapore National Institute of Chemistry Industry Award in Chemistry Education.
Merrilyn Goos is Professor of STEM Education and Director of EPI*STEM, the National Centre for STEM Education, at the University of Limerick, Ireland. In July 2021 she takes up a new appointment as Professor of Education at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Before moving to Ireland, she worked for 25 years at The University of Queensland, Australia, in a range of academic roles including Head of the School of Education. Previously she taught mathematics, chemistry, and food science in secondary schools and technical colleges in Australia, following her first career as a food technologist. Her academic research has investigated students’ mathematical thinking, the impact of digital technologies on mathematics learning and teaching, numeracy across the curriculum, and the professional learning of mathematics teachers and mathematics teacher educators. She has served as Editor-in-Chief of Educational Studies in Mathematics and President of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA). She is currently Vice-President of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction. In 2004 she won a national award for excellence in university teaching for her work as a mathematics teacher educator; and in 2017 she led a research team that won MERGA’s national award for outstanding contribution to mathematics education research. In 2018 she was selected by for inclusion in the Women Invent 100 – a list of 100 “remarkable women in STEM education” – for International Women’s Day. This list honours women who are actively engaged with addressing the gender gap in STEM, contributing to shortening the timeline to gender equity.
Articles for publication in Research in Integrated STEM Education can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article, click here.
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