Professional Development for STEM Educators

An array of programmes and education courses are available at the undergraduate and graduate level for educators.

Certificate in STEM Curriculum Development Programme

STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education has gained traction internationally and in Singapore. The Programme will offer professional development in STEM education that is empirically informed and practical for classroom enactment.

Specifically, the Programme will: (a) strengthen teacher readiness to teach integrated STEM lessons by equipping them with theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to design and enact cross disciplinary STEM lessons in an authentic and applied manner; and (b) establish a team of STEM educators who take leadership in supporting and nurturing other STEM educators to develop STEM curricular and teaching competencies in formal and informal learning contexts. At the end of the programme, teachers should be able to adopt a more purposeful and intentional approach to support an integrated STEM learning experience for their students.

Structure of the Programme

This Certificate consists of three compulsory courses totalling 8 academic units (AUs) equivalent to 104 hours.

The Programme is designed to give course participants flexibility to complete the certificate. The course participants can take up between 1 – 5 years to complete all three courses.

The Programme has been designed to address the needs of STEM educators who have been tasked to lead and/or implement STEM programmes in their schools or institutions. The topics in the Programme are comprehensive, ranging from STEM curriculum design, implementation, assessment and emerging technologies in STEM fields. The courses in the Programme are as follows:

  • INS4422 is a foundation course to the principles of STEM curriculum integration. The participants will learn about the different approaches to STEM integration and the theoretical underpinnings of the integration.

  • INS4423 is designed to help participants to acquire some basic knowledge about emerging technologies in STEM fields and ways to integrate them into the design of STEM lessons in their capstone project in INS4424.

  • INS4424 will be a culmination to the programme as the course participants will create a portfolio (capstone project) that applies their learning in INS4422 and INS4423. The portfolio can be a STEM curriculum package and evidence of the proof-of-concept.

A blended learning approach will be taken with online bite-sized content so that course participants can complete the course at their own pace. Face-to-face classes remain necessary for selected lessons in the courses that require hands-on work. In order to provide better support to course participants who are teachers or working professionals, the lessons will be conducted on weekday afternoons.

Overall, the Programme will cater to a wide range of STEM educators including science, mathematics, technology (e.g., computer science), and design and technology educators.

Entry Requirements

This Programme is open to educators in:

  1. MOE schools with/without STEM ALP Programmes:

    1. Current STEM-related subject teachers (namely, Sciences, Mathematics, Computing, Design & Technology, Nutrition and Food Science);

    2. Teachers with minimum two years in service; and

    3. Nominated by their school leaders.

  2. Non-MOE schools:

    1. Current STEM-related subject teachers (namely, Sciences, Mathematics, Computing, Design & Technology, Nutrition and Food Science); and

    2. Minimum two years of STEM education (e.g., curriculum design, teaching, etc.) experience.

Graduation Requirements

To qualify for the award of the Certificate, the participants must successfully complete all three courses with a total of 8 AUs with a minimum pass grade.


Registration is now open for:

INS4422 - Principles of STEM Curriculum Integration (100% online course)
Course date: 2 April 2025 - 2 July 2025
Closing date for registration is 7 March 2025

  • STEM curriculum design and implementation should be organised using a coherent framework to guide teaching, learning and assessment. Several STEM curriculum frameworks and models have been discussed in the literature. Diverse STEM integration frameworks and models are undergirded by educational philosophies, theories, and practices. In this course, participants will learn about the different conceptualisations and approaches to STEM curriculum integration. This includes the educational theories and concepts that underpin these frameworks and models. They will understand the differences between frameworks and models, compare various STEM education frameworks and apply these ideas to constructing a STEM integration framework or model for their own context.

  • Upon completion of this course, participants would be able to:

    1. describe the different STEM integration frameworks and models;

    2. critique the strengths and weaknesses of the diverse STEM integration frameworks and models;

    3. discuss the philosophies and theories that undergird each STEM integration framework or model including the meriSTEM@NIE STEM Quartet;

    4. explain how the STEM integration frameworks and models are applied in STEM curriculum design; and

    5. construct a STEM integration framework or model for a school/institutional context.

    1. Rationale, importance, and approaches to STEM integration

    2. Conceptualisations of STEM integration

    3. Difference between frameworks versus models

    4. Theoretical underpinnings of STEM integration frameworks or models

    5. Comparisons between STEM integration frameworks and models

    6. Applications of STEM integration frameworks or models in curriculum design

    7. Constructing a STEM integration framework or model

Minor in STEM Education

A new Minor in STEM Education for NIE and NTU students in the BA and BSc programmes to expand their academic portfolio so that they gain exposure to the narratives of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), understand how STEM may be incorporated into formal and informal curriculum, and develop a better understanding of STEM careers.

The Minor Degree in STEM Education will: 

  1. provide you with foundational understandings about the importance of STEM from the macro perspectives so that you understand why STEM should be taught and learned;

  2. develop critical consciousness about gender inclusive practices in STEM fields by equipping you with the language and skills to unpack discriminatory practices in artefacts and structures;

  3. equip you with STEM content knowledge and skills related to important theme such as sustainability so that you acquire deeper and multiplistic understandings of the problems and solutions;

  4. imbue understandings about problem-, solution- and user-centric approaches to STEM curriculum so that such approaches may be adopted to create meaningful STEM lessons for learners across ages and contexts; and

  5. inform you about the current and future trends in STEM education research so that you may identify areas of interest worthy of pursuit in postgraduate degrees.

You will have to complete the following courses* to be awarded the Minor Degree:

  1. AGE18Q Gender Issues in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

  2. AGE18N Integrating STEM Disciplines for Meaningful Connections

  3. AGE18R Foundations to STEM Education

  4. AGE18S Emerging Technologies in STEM and STEM Education

  5. AGE18T Research Perspectives in STEM Education


  1. These five core courses must be completed with passing grades to be counted towards the Minor Degree in STEM Education. The S/U option cannot be exercised for any of these courses if students wish to pursue this Minor.

  2. These courses may however be taken as stand-alone Broadening and Deepening Electives (BDE).

For any enquiries, please write to:

A/P Teo Tang Wee

  • AGE 18R Foundations to STEM Education

    No of AUs: 3
    Contact Hours: 39

    Course Aims
    This course offers a macro perspective to STEM education and policies. In this course, you will be introduced to the narratives about STEM education. From the course readings, you will appreciate the genesis of STEM education and the evolution of STEM education as an emerging construct in countries around the world. Connections to important policy documents from the United Nations, OCED, and McKinsey reports will be drawn. This course serves as a foundation to a better appreciation of the proliferation and emphasis on STEM education around the world. This course will interest students who want a better understanding of studying STEM disciplines.

    Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)
    By the end of this course, you should be able to:
    1. present a synthesis of the goals and purposes of STEM education;
    2. compare the different definitions of STEM education;
    3. critique macro-narratives of STEM education;
    4. describe the current state of STEM education in at least three economies around the world, including Singapore; and
    5. discuss the relationship between STEM education to political, economic, and education goals.

    Course Content
    1. Introduction to STEM education
    2. Diverse understandings of STEM and STEM education
    3. Policy documents on STEM education
    4. Connections between STEM education and economic transformations
    5. STEM education around the world

    Every January semester
    Tuesdays: 0930-1230h

  • AGE18S Emerging Technologies in STEM and STEM Education

    No of AUs: 3
    Contact Hours: 39

    Course Aims
    STEM curriculum should ideally provide learning contexts for students to acquire cross-disciplinary knowledge in authentic and applied contexts. STEM inventions and innovations are constantly emerging and evolving and hence, having current knowledge of emerging technologies in STEM fields will be useful in STEM curriculum design, teaching and assessment. In this course, you will acquire basic knowledge about emerging technologies in STEM fields and apply them to the design of integrated STEM curriculum in informal learning contexts such as hackathons and makerspaces.

    Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)
    By the end of this course, you should be able to:
    1. apply STEM inquiry cognitive processes including design thinking, computational thinking, engineering design, scientific inquiry and mathematical thinking;
    2. perform various STEM tasks such as coding on coding platforms, 3D printing machines, Halocodes, etc.; and
    3. plan a STEM hackathon and makerspace.

    Course Content
    1. STEM inquiry thinking processes (e.g., engineering thinking, design thinking, computational thinking, etc.)
    2. Digital coding for design, digital devices, 3D printing, etc.
    3. Plan a STEM hackathon
    4. Conceptualise a plan for STEM makerspaces

    Every January semester
    Thursdays: 0930-1230h

  • AGE18Q Gender Issues in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

    No of AUs: 3
    Contact Hours: 39

    Course Aims
    This course aims to introduce the topic of gender issues in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) domains. These domains have gained increasing attention locally and internationally as it concerns the development of a quality workforce, the social status of women, and the construction of knowledge. Through this course, participants will become more critically aware of the issues confronting women in these domains, and identify ways to address them.

    Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)
    By the end of this course, you (as a student) would be able to:
    1. analyse artefacts that illuminate gender disparities in science, engineering, and technology domains
    2. discuss how social factors and forces shape the construction of scientific knowledge
    3. identify elements in everyday life that are dialectically connected to gender identity

    Course Content
    This course examines how gender shapes STEM practices and technological development, and how STEM shapes notions of gender. In this course, students will learn about the three feminist waves and its impact on science education. Students will then examine the current field of STEM and learn how men and women see themselves as practicing scientists, technologists, engineers, and mathematicians, and how gender disparities affect the production of STEM. They will analyze how social factors and forces shape the way STEM facts are derived, and how notions of gender become infused into the construction of these truths. Finally, they will examine the constructed reality and environment we live in, and its impact on gender identity.

    Every July semester (UG Online)

  • AGE18N The Integrated Nature of STEM Implications for STEM Curriculum Design, Implementation and Evaluation

    No of AUs: 3
    Contact Hours: 39

    Course Aims
    The aim of this course is to provide you (as an undergraduate) with an integrated STEM learning experience by exposing you to activities that require you to model after real STEM professionals in problem-solving and problem-finding. This course will allow you to apply STEM-related knowledge and engage in STEM-related practices to find and solve real world problems. Through this process, you will gain experience and insights into how STEM professionals work, learn to apply their STEM knowledge, appreciate the educative and practical value of what you learn in your STEM-related content courses, and be inspired to pursue a STEM-related higher degree and/or career upon graduation.

    Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)
    By the end of this course, you (as a student) would be able to:
    1. briefly describe the history of STEM and STEM policies around the world
    2. describe the nature of STEM professional work in the workforce
    3. describe and differentiate the different types of integration of STEM disciplines
    4. design, implement and evaluate STEM-related tasks that are integrated and address the conceptual, epistemic, and social goals of education

    Course Content
    1. History of STEM and global STEM policies
    2. The nature of STEM professional work in the workforce
    3. Types of integration in STEM
    4. The conceptual, epistemic and social goals of STEM education
    5. Designing an integrated STEM curriculum
    6. Implementing an integrated STEM curriculum
    7. Evaluating an integrated STEM curriculum

    Every August semester

  • AGE18T Research Perspectives in STEM Education

    No of AUs: 3
    Contact Hours: 39

    Course Aims
    This course introduces you to the diverse theoretical paradigm of education research in STEM education. In this course, you will learn about theories in teaching/learning, sociology, and cultural studies. You will apply selected theories and/or constructs from these fields of work to discuss issues in STEM education. This is an introductory course that will be of interest to students who are interested in postgraduate studies. They will be able apply a theoretical lens to dialogue about diverse topics in STEM education.

    Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)
    By the end of this course, you should be able to:
    1. describe and discuss briefly the different paradigms of education research;
    2. discuss at least three theoretical perspectives in STEM education research; and
    3. design a small study in STEM education research.

    Course Content
    1. Research paradigms in education research
    2. Education theories that can be applied to STEM education research contexts
    3. Research designs and methods

    Every August semester

Courses in the Master of Education (Science) Programme

  • MSC 908 STEM Education History, Policies, and Research Trends

    This course provides an overview of the history of STEM education, including the emergence of STEM and STEM education in the US and its development in other regions, such as Europe and Asia. STEM education policies in selected countries, including Singapore, will be examined and discussed. Empirical studies will be analyzed and discussed to highlight trends in STEM education research. Differences in interpretation of STEM education will be highlighted in light of the STEM education policies and research discussed.

  • MSC 909 STEM Curriculum and Instruction

    This course interconnects the teaching, learning, and assessment aspects of an integrated STEM curriculum. Various models of integration (e.g., disciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, or transdisciplinary) will be discussed. The S-T-E-M Quartet developed by members of the meriSTEM@NIE will be introduced to facilitate students’ design and evaluation of STEM activities and curricula. Various modes of assessments targeting conceptual, epistemic, and social goals of STEM education will be highlighted to facilitate design of assessing learning in STEM activities.

In-Service Courses

  • INS4422 Principles of STEM Curriculum Integration

    STEM curriculum design and implementation should be organised using a coherent framework to guide teaching, learning and assessment. Several STEM curriculum frameworks and models have been discussed in the literature. Diverse STEM integration frameworks and models are undergirded by educational philosophies, theories, and practices. In this course, participants will learn about the different conceptualisations and approaches to STEM curriculum integration. This includes the educational theories and concepts that underpin these frameworks and models. They will understand the differences between frameworks and models, compare various STEM education frameworks and apply these ideas to constructing a STEM integration framework or model for their own context.

    Course date(s): 02 Apr — 02 Jul 2025
    Duration: 39 hours

  • INS4418 Integrating STEM Principles and Ideas in Primary Science Teaching

    To examine the strategies related to integrating technology, engineering and mathematics in science learning. Students working with STEM problems will better understand the epistemic nature of science and teachers will be better prepared to meet the goals of primary science education in Singapore. 

  • INS2170 Edible garden-based STEM education for schools

    There must be more than a few reasons for school and classroom gardens to grow in popularity worldwide in the last few years. Gardening has proven to be an excellent comprehensive hands-on learning tool especially for the teaching of integrated topics in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) for primary and secondary schools. Furthermore, edible garden-based learning activities (both indoor and outdoor) in seeding, growing, harvesting, and cooking self-grown vegetables promote motivation, creativity, environmental awareness, healthy food habits, and the development of character and values such as teamwork, resilience, and responsibility.

    Course date(s): 19 May 2025
    Duration: 6 hours

  • INS0042 Teaching STEM to Preschool Children

    This course is designed for preschool educators interested in teaching STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) activities to preschool children aged 3-7. They will learn about different STEM activities that align to the theme ‘Discovery of the World’ and pedagogies that they can adopt to carry out the activities.