Actualization of Integrated STEM Degree Programmes: A Model to Inform, Catalyze and Shape Inter- and Trans-disciplinary University Education (APEC Project HRDWG 06 2019A)

This project involves developing an integrated STEM program model with STEM educators from Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies. The outputs of this project will inform the design, implementation, and assessment of integrated gender-inclusive STEM degree programs that enhance the employability of the female STEM workforce in APEC economies through better quality STEM education programs. The project is funded by the APEC Support Fund. The grant value is USD122,700. The Principal Investigator is A/P Teo Tang Wee ( 

Link to APEC project page: here

Project Summary

The advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has catalyzed calls for more integrated education to keep abreast with the changing economic and social needs. Globally, new STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) degree programs have emerged to meet such demands. However, few (if any) offers an authentic integrated STEM education that underscores the importance of connections among two or more STEM disciplines and align to the real demands of 4IR in substantive ways to promote more women in STEM. This 8-month long project involves a three-day seminar to construct an integrated STEM program model with STEM educators at higher education. The outputs of this project will inform the design, implementation, and assessment of integrated gender-inclusive STEM degree programs that enhance the employability of the female APEC STEM workforce through better quality STEM education programs.

Project Event

A three-day virtual seminar was conducted on 23-25 March 2021. A total of 32 participants from APEC economies including Australia, Brunei, Chile, Russia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Mexico, United States, Brunei, Hong Kong SAR, and Republic of Korea attended the seminar. The participants include STEM university faculty members, representatives of APEC and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU).

Project Overseers

Dr Teo Tang Wee
Associate Professor
Co-Head, meriSTEM Centre@NIE
National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Dr Mohamad Sattar Rasul
Associate Professor
Head of STEM Enculturation Centre
University of Malaysia


Keynote Speakers

Professor Lilia Halim
National University of Malaysia, Malaysia
Title of Keynote: STEM Education: Implications for Higher Education

Professor Sonya N. Martin
Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
Title of Keynote: The Need for (Gender) Inclusive STEM Education

Associate Professor Yew Jin Lee
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Title of Keynote: Curriculum Models for STEM Education


Sharing and Learning about STEM Education in Singapore and Cambodia


Sharing about STEM education and instructional framework design at the Regional STEM Symposium 2019